VMVO GmbH is a limited liability company under the laws of the confederation of Switzerland with principal office in Stein am Rhein, canton Schaffhausen.

It is registered with the district court in Schaffhausen under number CH- and is licenced to provide services, act as a consultancy, mediate of experts for regional, and transregional projects, as well as trade goods of any nature. Managing Partner responsible for the contents of the site Sebastian Vallbracht,

Rhigass 7

CH-8260 Stein am Rhein

Tel : +41 (0)52740 3240
E-mail: contact@vmvo.com

Information contained in these Web Sites is checked and updated by VMVO with due diligence on a regular basis. This notwithstanding, data may become subject to changes during the intervening period. Therefore, VMVO does not assume any liability or guarantee for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided. This applies also to other websites that may be accessed through hyperlinks. VMVO assumes no responsibility for the contents of web sites that can be accessed through such links.

Further, VMVO reserves the right to change or amend the information provided at any time and without prior notice.

Contents and structure of the VMVO web sites are copyright protected. Reproduction of information or data content, in particular the use of text (whether in full or in part), pictures or graphics, requires the prior approval of VMVO.

Data protection of your personal data: We do not collect any personal data without your agreement. You alone decide whether you want to give us your data or not in connection with a service. The data will be used to process your enquiry. It may be necessary to store your personal data in connection with maintenance of customer relations.

Declaration of exclusions:
Mistakes and technical changes of the online documentation may be reserved. A claim to damages or any warranty is excluded in case of damages - based on faulty information and/or wrong statements.

Webdesign: tobias waszkiewicz - kommunikationsdesign